Scope: New Custom Home
2016 Honor Award - CRAN Awards
The Remington Residence is located on a tight infill lot in an established suburb. The owners, transplants from the South, wanted a 21st century regional farmhouse – including the commensurate wood porch and swing that makes a house a home. Owing to an unconventional site that includes the adjacent properties’ side, front and rear yards, a strategy was developed to extend the house along the property lines in order to create a cloistered effect. The result is a thin ‘C’ shaped plan that features the development of a variety of private exterior spaces: a screened porch, an auto court, an elevated dining terrace, a garden, and a covered porch that eventually spills out to the rear yard. By creating protracted views through multiple layers of spaces and taking advantage of the site’s topography, the otherwise small site feels enlarged. Large north-facing banks of windows and doors open to the private exterior spaces expanding the home’s interior, while walls at the perimeter fortify the site.